LAT 26°38'39.1"S
Dulacca Wind Farm LVIA

LatStudios prepared a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment on behalf of AECOM that supported the approval of RES new wind farm at Dulacca (that is now being developed by Octopus Australia).
project type
Project Details
The Dulacca Renewable Energy Project proposed by Renewable Energy System (RES) was approved by the Queensland Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) in March 2019. LatStudios was commissioned by AECOM to undertake a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA). The LVIA followed a preliminary site appraisal undertaken in 2017 to inform project planning and design.
The Project Site is located near the small settlement of Dulacca, in a sparsely-populated rural area that is located approximately 28 km west of Miles in the Western Downs Regional Council Area of Queensland. The Project assessed in the LVIA included up to 56 wind turbines which would be up to 250 m high. It is understood these have subsequently been reduced in number to 43. The LVIA was undertaken in accordance with the requirements of PO9 of the Wind Farm State Code 23 and Planning Guideline (DSDMIP, 2018) and included assessment against the Western Downs landscape overlay code and scenic buffer.
Construction is expected to be completed and the project fully commissioned in the first half of 2023.

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