Chris Tobin

Senior Landscape Architect, AILA RLA
Chris is an AILA Registered Landscape Architect with experience working on a wide range of project types, including local parks and playgrounds, master plans for precincts, nature and recreation reserves, large scale rail infrastructure projects and residential landscape design.
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He is passionate about creating playful, exciting and functional landscape outcomes and has a deep interest in and knowledge of Australian plants and their use in the landscape. Chris has a design approach that prioritises the maximisation of green space, opportunities for canopy cover and retention of existing trees whilst ensuring a coordinated built outcome.

Chris is deeply concerned about climate injustice and other environmental impacts based on human activity. He seeks opportunities in his design practice to propose sustainable outcomes that reduce car dependency, reuse salvaged elements and provide viable habitats for both humans and wildlife.

Chris graduated from a Masters of Landscape Architecture at the University of Melbourne in 2018. His thesis project The Dynamic Memorial: A Proposal For The Ballarat Botanical Gardens received a Planning Institute of Australia Commendation for Outstanding Student Project. He also received the Deans Award for his last semester.

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