Sasha Paterson

Senior Landscape Architect
Sasha is a passionate Landscape Architect who joined our team in 2016. She has worked on a variety of project typologies including public realm, open space regeneration, parklands, residential, retail, and commercial development.
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Sasha’s philosophy is to design and celebrate environments in the world where human and non-human are empowered to generate positive outcomes while mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change.  

Sasha, in all of her projects, strives to deliver contextually grounded design outcomes that involve culture, resilient environmental solutions, community richness and engagement, and enduring landscapes that bring beauty to our everyday lives.

Sasha is currently undertaking post-graduate studies in Climate Change Adaptation at Griffith University to expand her understanding of how to develop and deploy adaptation strategies to protect communities,businesses, government agencies, infrastructure, and natural assets. She aims to utilise this in the landscape architecture profession while working towards holistic and sustainable outcomes for the world we live in.


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